It is certain that the Federal Government wants to do something to prevent or minimize the clashes between the normal & traditional Fulani cattle herders and farmers. These clashes have been of old and seemed to be inevitable given the traditional way cattle is raised and transported in our Country. I believe that was why they created and gazetted Grazing routes in those days. Because these grazing routes have either been abandoned or taken over by latter day developments including state creations and demographic changes, the clashes seem to have increased in recent times. But the clashes remained under control until in the last three years or so, when it seemed to have gone out of control. In my view, this has happened because a new group of entrants with weirds motives came into the mix - The Militant-Fulani Cattle Herdsmen . From the method of operations of this group, it looked like their objectives were or are to steal, kill and destroy farming commun...