Strange things are happening in Nigeria with such great rapidity and intensity that most normal people are asking questions in utter amazement. I was speaking to a group of young people last weekend in Enugu and many asked me very difficult questions about this Country: Is this Country cursed? What is happening? Is anybody running this Country? Who is safe in Nigeria now? Why are people like you not doing anything to change the dangerous course Nigeria is on? What else will happen in this Country before People like you take action? I could feel the anger and frustration in their looks and voices. They had many things bothering them and I tried to find out the issues uppermost in their minds. I noticed that their anger and frustration seemed to have been accentuated by the recent statement credited to President Muhammadu Buhari( PMB) at the Commonwealth meeting in London last week. He was reported to have categorized the Nigerian Youth as lazy, expecting hand outs from a sup...