Strange things are happening in Nigeria with such great rapidity and intensity that most normal people are asking questions in utter amazement. I was speaking to a group of young people last weekend in Enugu and many asked me very difficult questions about this Country: Is this Country cursed? What is happening? Is anybody running this Country? Who is safe in Nigeria now? Why are people like you not doing anything to change the dangerous course Nigeria is on? What else will happen in this Country before People like you take action?
I could feel the anger and frustration in their looks and voices. They had many things bothering them and I tried to find out the issues uppermost in their minds. I noticed that their anger and frustration seemed to have been accentuated by the recent statement credited to President Muhammadu Buhari( PMB) at the Commonwealth meeting in London last week. He was reported to have categorized the Nigerian Youth as lazy, expecting hand outs from a supposedly rich oil country. I found that many of the youths took serious offense on this unbecoming comment by PMB on the World stage and wondered if all was well. Beyond the anger related to this statement, the youth pointed to me several other events happening in the Country which frighten them.
First, they were amazed by the level of insecurity in the Nation. They expressed alarm that Nigeria has become one large killing field where people are murdered daily in cold blood by Boko Haram insurgents and the militant Fulani cattle herdsmen. They were wandering why the government can not stop the daily killing in Benue, Nassarawa, Taraba, and Plateau States by either militant Fulani herdsmen or the "marauders trained in Libya by Gaddafi "according to PMB. They are bothered by the daily killings in Zamfara and fear that soon, these killers may move South as the herdsmen have done severally, killing, maiming and confiscating farmlands in places in Enugu, Anambra , Abia, Delta, Edo, Ondo & Ekiti States. They cited the frustrations of the Governor of Edo who had done all to stop all clashes, to no avail and had to completely ban all forms of open grazing in Edo for a season. They are asking what our security agencies are doing and they feel that it looks like there is no government in Nigeria.
Secondly they argued that the primary activity of any Government in the World is to protect lives and property of its citizens and visitors and since Nigerians are virtually left on their own to protect themselves from all kinds of miscreants bellowing for blood of citizens and the government seems helpless or unconcerned, then they could conclude that either there is no government or the government has become so incompetent that it can not perform the most basic and primary role of government. Another youth rose to ask me why the government has failed to discipline the security agencies for poor performance. He said that what was going on was pure failure of the security agencies to perform and wondered why PMB has not seen the need to discipline the leaders of the security forces, not even by a rebuke, not to talk of firing them. He wondered why the President had failed to take action against the Inspector General of Police ( IGP ) who had not only shown crass incompetence but even openly disobeyed the President. And what was worse, was that the President was not even aware that his order was not carried out by the IGP and yet nothing seems to have happened. A female Youth rose up to take over from the other guy and asked me to explain to her why there seems to be no coordination between the security agencies and wondered if that was not why we have the high level of insecurity in the country. She narrated her bewilderment in watching the dog fight between the DSS, EFCC, & NIA and asked me to explain the role of the office of the National Security Adviser( NSA). She further queried : 'are these agencies so independent that they report to nobody and nobody coordinates or controls them?' She could never understand why PMB presented Ibrahim Magu as the head of EFCC to the Nigerian Senate for confirmation twice and on both occasions, the DSS wrote adverse report opposing Magu's confirmation and up till date Magu has not been confirmed three years down the line and has remained in acting position and everybody is fine? Why would the President not call DSS to order or if the DSS was right, not replace Magu with another nominee. It is like the case of a house divided against itself. Recently the EFCC tried to arrest the the former DGs of the DSS and NIA on corruption charges and they were resisted by the operatives of the other agencies leading to near gun- battle. And since then no body has been rebuked. The former DGs have refused to report to EFCC and they are walking about free and the charges against them standing in abeyance and we tell the World that we are fighting corruption. Strange!

Mazi Sam I. Ohuabunwa OFR
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